Other books by Hakomi Faculty

MATRIXWORKS: A Life-Affirming Guide to Facilitation Mastery and Group Genius
MatrixWorks is a facilitation model that uses practical application of Buddhism, systems thinking, holistic leadership, and neuroscience to make groups thrive as living systems. Our approach is designed to generate a feeling of aliveness in every individual and the whole group, so that the collective may become a dynamic body that self-organizes in harmony with its environment. We’ve developed this model to share the theory and practice of what’s needed to create groups that work for everyone, and we imagine that you’re here because you have within you a sense of what’s possible when groups come together to make magic. These tools are needed to understand and transform the complexities of relationships among partners, families, teams, organizations, and groups of any kind.
As we decode the mysteries of relational health, we unleash the creative, and often hidden potential of groups to experience evolutionary transformation. This book will prepare matrix-inspired leaders to function effectively and nourish life in times of chaos and profound change.

The Practice of Wholeness: Spiritual Transformation in Everyday Life
A practical guide to spiritual transformation, The Practice of Wholeness uses the elements of everyday humannessbody, emotion, mind, and spiritto cultivate the experience of wholeness and inter-connectednes. Emphasizing the importance of ongoing spiritual practice, The Practice of Wholeness offers a clear and realistic map of core transformation which can be utilized by healers, counselors, physicians, and lay peopleanyone interested in deep transformation, healing, and empowering the true self.

Living in the Power Zone
We live in a complex, often daunting world where power differences both exist and matter. Power moreover is too often misused. Most of us have had at least one superior who was unfair, even abusive. Misuse of power also happens in families, schools, religious institutions, and elsewhere. Sometimes, consciously or unconsciously, we have used our own power in ways hurtful to others. We thus all need to learn to use our personal and role power with more wisdom, sensitivity, and skill. This is a short, practical how-to book that will help you understand and successfully navigate the rapids of real-world relationship and organizational power; in short, to live in the Power Zone.

Right Use of Power: The Heart of Ethics,: A Guide and Resource for Professional Relationships
Right Use of Power: The Heart of Ethics is a dynamic, inspiring, and relational approach to ethical awareness. In a time of great misuse of power, it offers sound guidance for an emerging ethic that brings compassion to power. Original and engaging, the approach highlights four dimensions of personal and professional power: Be Informed, Be Compassionate, Be Connected, Be Skillful. This book provides the skills to use power with heart.