The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of body-centered psychotherapies, which stress the centrality of the body to overcoming psychological distress, trauma, and mental illness. Designed as a standard text for somatic psychology courses, The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology contains 100 cutting-edge essays and studies by respected professionals from around the world on such topics as the historical roots of Body Psychotherapy; the role of the body in developmental psychology; the therapeutic relationship in Body Psychotherapy; and much more, as well as helpful case studies and essays on the use of Body Psychotherapy for specific disorders.
Presents body structure, posture, and physiognomy as indicators of an individual's personality characteristics and manner of dealing with life.
Psychotherapists who have been trained in models of psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, or cognitive therapeutic approaches are skilled at listening to the language and affect of the client. They track the clients' associations, fantasies, and signs of psychic conflict, distress, and defenses. Yet while the majority of therapists are trained to notice the appearance and even the movements of the client's body, thoughtful engagement with the client's embodied experience has remained peripheral to traditional therapeutic interventions. Trauma and the Body is a detailed review of research in neuroscience, trauma, dissociation, and attachment theory that points to the need for an integrative mind-body approach to trauma.
This is a beautiful and clear book on how Hakomi integrates principles from Eastern spiritual traditions to support change without force. Frequently assigned as “required reading” in graduate counseling classes, the book is filled with concrete examples of psychotherapeutic practice. The book was originally written to help clients understand Hakomi’s gentle approach to change.
A guide to this groundbreaking somatic-cognitive approach to PTSD and attachment disturbances treatment. Working closely with four consultants, a mix of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute graduates, trainers, consultants, and talented Sensorimotor Psychotherapists who have made social justice and sociocultural awareness the center of their work, this book expands the current conception of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Numerous composite cases with a variety of diverse clients bring the approach to life. This book will inspire practitioners to develop a deeper sensitivity to the issues and legacy of oppression and marginalization as they impact the field of psychology, as well as present topics of trauma and early attachment injuries, dissociation, dysregulation, and mindfulness through a Sensorimotor Psychotherapy lens. 5 black-and-white illustrations
From over 25 years of clinical experience, Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MA, LMFT, has created the go-to resource for mental health therapists who want to incorporate somatic techniques into their daily practice. Highly-effective for clients dealing with trauma and stress disorders, somatic psychotherapy is the future of healing the entire person-body and mind.Section-by-section, this toolbox guide the clinician through: - Targeted somatic interventions for trauma, stress and PTSD - Steps to incorporate the body into your current therapeutic approach - Mindfulness techniques and breath work - Starting guidelines, safety concerns and keys to success- Getting to know their own body to better use body work with clients.
Einfach den Anleitungen auf den CDs zu folgen, erleichtert es innezuhalten, Ruhe und Zugang zur Innenwelt sowie zu regelmäßigem Üben zu finden. Der Begleittext unterstützt dabei, indem er über das Wesen der Achtsamkeit und über ein breites Spektrum von Anwendungs- und Variationsmöglichkeiten der einzelnen Übungen informiert.
Bodyreading gehört zum Instrumentarium körperorientierter Therapien. Dieses Buch macht Ärzten, Physiotherapeuten und Psychotherapeuten diese Verfahren zugänglich. Es bietet aber weit über die Heilberufe hinaus interessierten Laien hilfreiche Möglichkeiten der Erfahrung mit sich selbst und anderen.
"Aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen wird der Körper bei der Redekur übergangen." Mit diesem einleitenden Satz kündigen die Autoren dieses Buches die Erweiterung der traditionellen Redetherapie an. Dabei greifen sie auf Fertigkeiten zurück, die sie seit vielen Jahren in ihrer psychotherapeutischen Arbeit nutzen, und entwerfen so einen einzigartigen Ansatz der Traumabehandlung. "Wenn Onno van der Hart, einer der bekanntesten Traumafachleute, i Klappentext schreibt: "Auf dieses Buch hat die Psychotraumatologie lange gewartet!", so habe ich dieser Wertung nach der Lektüre kaum etwas hinzuzufügen. Dieses Buch ist aber nicht nur denjenigen zu empfehlen, die mit traumatisierten Menschen arbeiten, sondern sollte (wie Allan Schore im Klappentext empfiehlt) "für Kliniker aller psychotherapeutischen Schulen Pflichtlektüre sein".
You will receive the video of a Hakomi Mallorca workshop with Julia Corley and Valentina Iadeluca, that includes live commentary on a recorded session offered by one of Hakomi’s founder and Hakomi Mallorca’s Founder and Faculty Member Halko Weiss!